Thursday, December 29, 2022

Session 24: In the Arms of Hulvor

Time: 12/26/22  - 1/6/23 active 1/7/23

PCs: Xavier (fighter), Cracaryn (elf ranger), Ellin (thief), Reese (elven enchanter), Storm (paladin), Colton (thief)

I was certain we’d see Team B back in the saddle for this session, but the PCs juked me and opted for Team C, the newly generated characters from the half-session they played after their other characters were tried and convicted of war crimes against Teutch the Alchemist (Patron Mage). The best laid plans, etc etc.

They started in Northbridge, the newly liberated vassal domain of Lord Issac (Patron Paladin). They had some hooks, one about a goblin depot that supplies raiding parties along the river and one about a dungeon that the locals had dubbed “Goose Chase Warren” during the occupation due to the nature of the place. Tribes of competing beastmen sent war parties to search for some powerful artifact deep within the dungeon. It’s been happening for years and they’ve never found it.

The party seemed split between Xavier, an aspiring paladin inspired by Lord Issac’s defeat of Sir Oscar back in April, wanting to go to the Warren to destroy beastmen and using Cracaryn’s tracking ability to find lairs since they got lucky successfully defeated a lair the previous session with a 50% casualty rate acceptable losses. They chose a little of both, to search for lairs on the way to where they believed the Warren to be. Such compromise! Such teamwork!

The Warren was rumored to rest along the Yellow River which fed the Teesar Torrent from the north/northeast. There was also a road in disrepair due to the occupation headed north out of town. The party opted to follow the road resulting in a relatively peaceful few days until the road ran out, the materials having been torn up for use by locals or something long ago. They decided to cut towards the river and start searching for lairs, quickly finding one thanks to Cracaryn’s tracking.

They crept up on a grove of abnormally large willow trees, certain that something laired there but not sure what. One of the trees opened its eyes, followed by many others. Reese had a conversation with the Treants for a bit, learning that beastmen did sometimes come from the north and east but have learned that this grove is not for firewood. They learned the grove was a collective named Willow and didn’t have much else for them so bounced.

The next hex they searched and found a BROWN DRAGON LAIR predetermined point of interest for this hex. Whew that could have been a disaster! Instead, they actually found an ancient monument to a battle fought on this site like 500 years ago. It was a 25 foot tall stone plinth with some faded/weathered writing on it and a bunch of more recent beastman graffiti marring its face. The party put their heads together on what they could learn about the monument. They didn’t have any Loremastery or Knowledge proficiencies but they did have open language slots, Reese choosing to use one of his on Oeridian so he could at least try to read the statue.

He was able to piece together that it was dedicated to Hulvor the Invincible, a hero of Heironeous that had an epic last stand against Frutzii invaders back when the Bone March was part of the Great Kingdom. During this description I misspoke and said “tomb”, which I think tipped my hand that there was more to it. They eventually searched and found the latch that would reveal Hulvor’s tomb by sliding the large monument away. Unfortunately the whole thing had shifted over the years with a lean, making it difficult to budge. 

It was at this point that Xavier the Lawful fighter and aspiring paladin contested the tampering with and perceived grave robbing of Hulvor the Invicible. The party, disparate group of random adventurers, people present at the scene(?) argued about the steps to take next. The elves lobbied for cracking it open to see what was inside, trying to convince Xavier that whatever items might be there were surely meant for him. Xavier was unmoved. Then Reese opted to cast Charm Person on Xavier in an attempt to sway him.

Charm Person in ACKS states that the target will spin every interaction with the caster in the most positive light possible, but will not take acts that are personally harmful or completely against the target’s moral code. Using this logic, Xavier tried to be a good sport and go along without compromising his morals too hard, agreeing to help his new BFF Reese open the tomb for… reasons. They tethered up the donkey and put their backs into it and knocked over the top of the monument, revealing the tomb and its inhabitant underneath.

Looting the hero’s tomb was a bridge too far for Xavier, however, and he refused to allow the party to take the items, instead insisting that they be taken to Northbridge for Sir Eversly (vassal Issac) to rule on their fates. In the tomb were a sword, shield, and plate armor along with Hulvor himself. Arguments were made to at least take the items and wash them off in the river to see what they might look like, several of the items being removed and held by various PCs, but this did not sway the fighter.

After quite a while of back and forth, eventually Xavier had said all that he would say on the matter and declared “roll initiative”, presumably taking some aggressive action to prompt this. We’ll never know, because the ranger won initiative and plugged him with an arrow. Xavier used a fate point to stabilize and laid there walking wounded, mumbling “take them to Northbridge!” Reese at this point said he would nurse Xavier back to health. Cracaryn argued that if Xavier lives he’ll just hunt them down for the items and if Reese wouldn’t budge then he had to go too, so a new initiative was rolled and the ranger plugged the enchanter. He then stacked their bodies on top of Hulvor in the tomb and coup’d them both with his spear, I think more out of frustration about how out of hand it had gotten than anything else.

Cracaryn and Ellin scooped the loot, including the dead PCs items, and considered this a profitable run so left back to Northbridge, not to speak with Sir Eversly but to catch a caravan back to a real market in Talston where they could have the items identified and sold. The two dead players rolled up new PCs, a Paladin and a Thief, and joined on for some shopping! They went from Talston to Deinwick and back to Talston, eventually settling on consigning the items for sale at Lord Issac’s “Talston Arms Depot” with the shopkeep Sears Roebuck.

They also bought a treasure map from Sears which apparently led to the site of a lost traveler who was turned to stone by a giant lizard thing. This traveler had a very fine fur coat worth 2000gp! They briefly considered researching the potential encounter but nah. Off they went, braving the Swamp of No Hope to reach Riverstride and launch from there. They were lucky this time, only seeing some giant tiger beetles that they were able to evade.

Cracaryn was able to track down the Basilisk lair a few days later and they hatched a plan to try to lure the only critter that they saw basking in the sun on top of the rocky den. I ruled basilisks have terrible eyesight, I think due to being primarily subterranean or something? I don’t remember, but they could observe the critter from distance without it really seeing them. They set up to shoot arrows at it then try to run, leaving the ranger to hide in bushes well off to the side then sneak in and loot it later.

Ellin and Colton shot at it from horseback so they’d be ready to move, but not having riding proficiency were unable to move in the same round. Initiative was rolled, the lizard charged at them, and no one SAID ANYTHING ABOUT AVERTING THEIR EYES, despite claims that “Oh I can’t control my eyeballs now oh ok” from Colton 😀. So many petrification saving throws were rolled, with two horses and Storm the paladin failing and turning to stone statues. The thieves ran and tried to kite the lizard away but after a few rounds it realized it couldn’t catch them so it turned back. 

Meanwhile, Cracaryn realized 3 more of the big lizards had come out of the den. He waited a long time for them to settle back in then met at the predetermined rendezvous and went back to Newbridge and called it a session.

Towards the end of the session, Issac’s player messaged me his sentencing for the convicted members of Team A so we read it out loud for the first time at the table for full effect.

Xavier/Colton/Grim’s player wanted to try to escape from his cell in Talston as Grim, insisting he’d get a chance when they came to get him or something. Whatever we had time left so we ran it. Turns out the 3rd level unarmed assassin just couldn’t get around the several guards with clubs. He was killed in the attempt, which seemed to be an acceptable result for the player so hooray I guess!


The session started off alright, had some hooks, looked for adventure. It devolved pretty quickly when the PVP started which led to a poor mood at the table among the players. It’s important to note three generally accepted forms of D&D party: co-op, working together to achieve goals; partial co-op, working together in session to achieve goals but understanding that some “soft pvp” can happen in downtime like misinformation, spying, thieving, or other actions that might be counter to other PC goals; or PVP where anything goes up to and including killing each other in session or in downtime.

I consider this group to have been running at a partial co-op level thus far, with a prime example being Team A attempting to submarine Team B’s prior work with Nekane. But with new players coming and going and different game events transpiring it seems as though that may have shifted. I want to run the kind of game that the table wants to run. If they want full PVP then ok. But we need to decide on that vibe for the group before it happens. It will help players guide their PCs if they know “Ok killing each other isn’t an option, how else can we get around X conflict?”

It was an oversight of mine to not address this sooner. I have a tendency to be very hands off when it comes to player agency. I do not want anyone to feel as though I’m influencing their actions as the DM. Before the next session we’ll get a consensus and hopefully get everyone on the same page to avoid surprise bad feelings in the future.

Sentencing and Execution:

This was the Sentencing handed down by Lord Issac at the end of the session followed by the Execution the next day:

Opening Statement: Mr. Redcorn, Lady Gwendolyn, Mr Oggie and Mr. Grimm. You stand before this court having been convicted of various crimes relative to an attack directed toward an otherwise peaceful village involving numerous murders and wanton mayhem. Our purpose today is to hand down the sentences for your individual crimes. 

(At this point Issac rises, kisses the Heironious symbol on the pommel of his sword and bows in silent prayer. Having done so he reseats and addresses the defendants.)

As I call your name please rise to hear your sentence. 

Mr. Grim. You have been convicted of Murder, Mayhem, Arson and Conspiracy to commit the afore listed. You have shown no remorse nor have you voiced any regret for your egregious actions. In fact testimony suggests that you celebrated your crimes. I am left to conclude that you would happily repeat similar crimes in similar circumstances. Therefore, I sentence you to execution by hanging. This to be carried out by Lord Tolston’s jailer between dawn and the noon hour tomorrow at his convenience. 

(Led back to the dungeon)

Mr. Oggie, You have been convicted of Murder, Mayhem, Arson, Conspiracy, and Perjury. You have shown no remorse or regret for your heinous actions. In fact you have shown contempt for these proceedings and demonstrated that you believe yourself to stand apart from the law and the norms of civilized behavior. I am certain that you pose an ongoing danger to members of this realm and any other peaceful individuals unfortunate enough to cross your path. Therefore, I sentence you to execution by hanging. This to be carried out by Lord Tolston’s jailer between dawn and the noon hour tomorrow at his convenience. (edited)

(Led back to the dungeon)

Mr. Redcorn, you have been convicted of Vandalism, Malicious Trap Setting, Conspiracy and Being an Accessory after the fact of murder. You have acquitted yourself well during these proceedings if only to preserve your own life. I find that the placing of deadly magical traps in such a way that  any innocent person might be maimed or killed is an unforgivable action. For this crime I sentence you to have all the fingers but not the thumb of your non-dominant hand shortened by one joint. This to remind you of your thoughtless crime. For the crime of vandalism, and this at a religious site I might add, I sentence you to receive 20 lashes beneath the gallows where hang your former comrades. This to remind you not only of your crime but also to choose your friends more wisely. For the remainder of your crimes and in view of your mitigating behavior and cooperation I sentence you to receive a quest to be determined and explained at a later hearing. 

(Led back to the dungeon)

Lady Gwendolyn, you have been convicted of Conspiracy and  Being an Accessory after the fact of murder. Yours are not capital crimes and you have shown what I believe to be true regret. You have demonstrated remorse and have gone so far as to publicly, with the use of your own money, established a charity aimed at the victims of these and crimes like them. Your actions and demeanor have weighed heavily in mitigating your sentence. You are, however, guilty and the law will out in the end. Therefore I sentence you to 10 lashes under the gallows of your former comrades so that you might remember your crimes and choose better friends. Also, I sentence you to receive a quest to be determined and explained at a later hearing.

(led back to the dungeon) (edited)

To the court and public in general I rule that all the gains recovered pursuant to these crimes are declared property of the realm save that 25% be held in escrow pending a pleading by members of the aggrieved village or tribe. This hearing to be conducted if/when such individuals make themselves known. This proceeding is at its end. Go with Heironious. 

I certify that this is a true and verbatim transcript of the hearing as noted on 12/26/22.

Ishley Bishley

Chief Scribe of Lord Tolston

Lord Issac’s Justice: 12/27/22 - Throughout the afternoon on 12/26, servants of Talston Castle are seen scrubbing the weathered gallows that stand resolute against sun, snow, and injustice in the courtyard outside of the keep. Lord Talston’s Executioner goes over the mechanisms and actions then consults a scribe waiting nearby. He begins tying each of the dozen nooses to specific lengths and numbers of loops then testing them obsessively using sandbagged dummies. As dusk approaches, guards are stationed on the gallows and the winter sun sets on their polished steel helms.

The following morning at dawn, the gathering crowd of peasants feel before they hear a martial drumbeat that announces the arrival of Lord Issac de Molay of Riverstride. The Paladin and official of record for the proceedings takes the Judge’s box as the drum corps forms up nearby. Lord Talston is not in attendance. Shortly thereafter, the beat changes to announce the arrival of the executioner, who the crowd boos and jeers as is their privilege as the innocent. Excitement builds as the crowd swells. Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd.

The drummers cease. Soon after a procession of criminals is escorted out under a hail of fierce boos, scattered cheers, and rotten vegetables. In the lead are two guards carrying a body on a litter. They mount the gallows and string his limp corpse into the leading noose, followed by a small handful of various ne’er-do-wells who take the next nooses in line. Murmurs in the crowd identify these as Grim the Assassin and his crew.

Next a dwarf is tugged, fighting the whole way, onto the gallows where he rails against the injustice of the trial and the kangaroo human court that he was subjected to. He struggles with the guards as they try to put him in his noose, eventually being doubled over by a gut punch that stuns him long enough to secure the rope. He continues his tirade, hoarse from repeating himself for days on end, as the crowd laughs and boos at him. He weathers the indignity of hurled tomatoes and insults by attempting to shout over them.

The remaining nooses are filled with other criminals of the Lord Talston’s gaoler, ragged dirty nondescript men who squint in the light and have clearly been waiting a while for their time in the sun. Other prisoners are kept chained and under guard nearby, either waiting their turn on the gallows or being forced to witness the executions in person.

The Executioner mounts the gallows next, pacing precisely to the mechanism and looking to Lord Issac, who glares solemnly over the crowd until they hush. The Judge nods to the Executioner who throws the lever, each prisoner dropping and Oggie the Dwarf’s hoarse protestations cutting off abruptly as the carefully applied art of the Executioner ensures that each neck breaks on the drop.

The crowd goes wild and Lord Issac grimaces in distaste at their uncouth behavior as the Executioner taps a careful time out on the nearby post of the gallows. After a few minutes, the bodies are released and confirmed dead then carried away. The waiting prisoners are led to the foot of the gallows and tied to rings installed there. The Executioner produces a long whip and proceeds to apply it to each of them in turn, the most notable of the punished a Flan man and blonde woman who are cleaner and in better shape than their fellows. Murmurs from the crowd identify them as John Redcorn III and Gwendolyn the Goat and gasps accompany each lash. Even great adventurers aren’t above the Law? Suddenly the ordeal is a bit much even for the peasants, winces replacing boos and grumbling building into the silence as the Executioner completes his deed. It’s all fun and games until they see the blood and hear the cries of pain.

He rolls up the lash and the prisoners are escorted back to the dungeon. The drum corps sounds out the exit for Lord Issac and the Executioner and then the crowd disperses, sharing uneasy looks and eager to get back to their day to day lives.

Xp from Kills:    0

Xp from Loot:    0

Total XP:    0

Cuts:    6

PC:    0%    0    5%    0    10%    0

Hench:    0%    0    5%    0    10%    0

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