Thursday, December 29, 2022

Session 12: Force Recon Delving

Time: 8/21/22-8/25/22, rest 8/26/22, active 8/27/22

PCs: Gwendolyn (Bard), Max Bear (Barbarian), John Redcorn III (Cleric), Grim (Assassin)

Hench: Cemil, Amadayo, Nona, Eyelul, Paulus, various zoo animals

Team A was in action this week, starting in Bellport, the capital of the region, in downtime. They did some shopping and hiring and were traveling back to New Bridge to see what trouble they could get into. They stopped off in the border fort of Headford and met with Captain Wicker, a warrior sort who complained of incessant wolf howling disturbing his peasants. He had sent a patrol but they never returned and he hadn’t been able to justify risking another foray. He was offering some cash for the party to investigate and Redcorn’s interest in the natural world spurred the party to action.

They trekked into the wilderness with some vague directions from Wicker and succeeded in not only not getting lost but also recruiting a hermit Thief chick in the woods named Nona. The hunting dogs that Redcorn keeps are able to track, which helped them hunt down the location of the howling which turned out to be a collapsed old tower with a creepy lane bracketed by corrupted twisted trees leading up to it.

The party approached the tower and came upon a clutch of goblins throwing bones outside the door. The goblins tried to flee inside the tower considering the overwhelming force in front of them but were dispatched handily. In a bold move that only a barbarian can pull off, Max kicked the front door in. Unfortunately this triggered a poison dart but he made his save so he didn’t die instantly. 

Nona the thief was berated for not having found the trap on the door and spent the rest of the session trying to earn back the party’s respect starting with the first door that the party came to. She relayed the ruckus of a bunch of dudes heard through the door, definitely not goblins but otherwise unknown. The party tested the door but it was hardstuck or barricaded so they opted to move on.

The Tower was floored and walled in once-fine hardwood panels, since cracked and splintered from neglect. The floors creaked a bit as they traveled deeper in, finding a central room with stairs going up to a collapsed floor above them and down into the unknown. Several doors also led off of this room. They decided to try to get around at the guys making all the fuss by a different door.

Nona listened at the next door and found she could hear the guys still with a crazy good hear noise check. They approached more cautiously at this door, entering without kicking it off of the hinges. Max and Magilla the Gorilla were first through the door ready for combat, finding nothing but a pit trap directly in the floor. They took minor damage as they fell into the basement where they saw some weird arcane magic circle on the ground and a fire beetle that hissed for them to stay back. The party was able to retrieve them through the same hole and proceed to the next door where everyone could hear the ruckus now.

After testing the door, the ruckus abruptly stopped, someone in the room having heard the chair braced against the door shift on the creaky floor. Max and Magilla decided to force entry and between them both destroyed it, rushing into the room and seeing six Frutzii berzerkers that had been sitting around a table drinking redrum out of fresh goblin skulls. They were now broken down in a semi circle around the door, maybe expecting goblins but definitely not gorillas.

The party chose to push into the room, but the size of Redcorn’s direwolf was making it difficult to maneuver, so it was Max and Magilla vs the world. After a hard fought battle, Magilla was slain (RIP) and Cemil had his shield arm chopped off, but victory was achieved. As hurt as they were, they decided to poke around in the basement so off they went.

All the racket on the floor above had woken the denizens beneath, who waited in the shadows to see what was coming down the stairs. They growled out of the darkness in three distinct voices Who are you, what do you want, where are you from? Gwen was able to identify them as Werewolves with a great Loremastery role and tried to turn on the charm. As usually happens, she was able to get some amazing reaction rolls and the werewolves told them to leave their gold and go, or die. Some left some gold, particularly the henchmen, and everyone noped on out of there because they had no silver or magic weapons.

The rest of the session was spent trying to round up weapons to fight werewolves, a big source of which was Captain Wicker who just happened to have a few things he would loan them for the fight. They bought some more in Bellport and returned to Headford prepared to head back in.


This was the first session in quite some time that was not driven by Patron missions/goals. The party tripped over an old hook that I set way at the start of the campaign on their way back from Bellport and ran with it. The first dungeon that I ever randomly generated using ACKS rules (tear). We’ll see how the group does with their recon and preparation. We’ll also see how the dungeon ecology changes. Stay tuned!

Xp from Kills:    90

Xp from Loot:    600

Total XP:    690

Cuts:    13

PC:    0%    106    5%    111    10%    117

Hench:    0%    53    5%    56    10%    58

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