Monday, December 2, 2024

Justice Served

Good tidings to the honorable Knight Captain Dawes. I, Sir Percival, give thanks to Pelor that I am able to report in good health and spirits the following:

Fr. Richardson and the Pilgrims of the Warming Rays of Benevolent Pelor in Ascendency have been settled in Bonevale with ample funding to establish their mission there. Fr. Cassian and I tithe to Fr. Richardson to aid in the endeavor and will continue to do so. A young man, Timothy O'Reilly, tried his hand at adventuring as my squire but found it too dangerous. He has volunteered to aid the mission and continue to serve with honor. 

As you will recall, our lawman Zimon secured the warrant for the arrest of the smuggler known as Little John. Zimon displayed his value to the group by covering our lack of aptitude in skullduggery. Fr. Cassian and I oversaw the offloading of our bait while Zimon and Sanji went to make contact with the smuggler. Zimon felt it important to contact his known associate Methany, but she was never located to my knowledge. In hindsight, we failed to appreciate how precarious the situation was and missed an opportunity to notify Sheriff Kai Lan of our warrant of arrest. Our bittersweet relationship with the elf magistrate persists.

Little John's men attempted to lure us into a trap but events on the docks escalated quickly. Demands of surrender were met with lethal force and our group was left with no option but to subdue the criminals. Through the use of magicks and superior martial ability, several smugglers were captured, including the ring leader Little John. We were unfortunately forced to slay many that simply would not throw down their arms. Fr. Cassian saw to their repose and we pray that Pelor will not leave them in the dark.

Sheriff Kai Lan aided us in the interrogation of Little John after an exasperated conversation centered around our warrant and failure to produce it before acting. Zimon begged forgiveness and the Sheriff was forced to acknowledge our results. Little John revealed several platoons worth of bandits still at large in their woodland camp. We learned the proper method to approach the hideout, passwords used for security, and the expected patrol routes of their scouts. Using this information, we led the Sheriff's men in an infiltration and dispatched the enemy to the man. Fr. Cassian and Zimon both took grievous wounds in valiant combat with the enemy's leadership but they are expected to recover fully.

The Sheriff saw to swift justice by hanging any captives as thieves and murderers. It is my opinion that this is right, despite my suggestion that the captives be indentured to His Majesty's Service among the rowers of the Keoish Navy's warships. We are en route back to Gradsul to reprovision and turn in Little John to the authorities there. I will report to the Chapterhouse to pay my respects and receive further orders.

Yours in the Light of Pelor,

Knight Defender Percival, Gradsul

1 comment:

Help Help I'm Being Subverted!

Winter hardly touches the depths of the Dreadwood, where my team and I continue to tame the wilderness in the name of Pelor and under orders...