Monday, November 18, 2024

Where are the Goblins?

To the honorable Knight Captain Dawes, I, Sir Percival, report on my recent activity. 

I have secured passage for Fr. Richardson and the Pilgrims of the Warming Rays of Benevolent Pelor in Ascendency aboard Captain Weathersby's vessel, The Osprey. Weathersby is a merchant and nothing more, hardly the example set by Captain Tinsworth. We are scheduled to depart 20 NOV.

In the meantime, a lawman of sorts by the name of Zimon joined our party along with the warrior Thom Bruise and Fr. Cassian of Pelor. In the days leading up to our departure, Zimon aimed to aid the local guardsmen in rounding up several outstanding bounties. What we discovered in the course of this action was disturbing for a few reasons, first of which is that the bounty system acts as an unsupervised method of petty vengeance for those with spare coin. I beg you to discuss the practice with your peers in the constabulary at your earliest convenience.

An alleged abuser of women, a heretic, and a cheese thief were all investigated, but each was an example of confusion, misinformation, or pettiness on the parts of those involved. It is a blessing that Fr. Cassian and I were present to oversee the endeavor as hiring armed and hungry adventurers for basic police work is an extremely irresponsible practice.

By Pelor's grace, we actually did uncover a criminal worthy of justice, Lord Locksley. He was stealing, committing insurance fraud, and smuggling goods while hiding behind his title. We were tasked with discovering solid evidence to justify a warrant for his arrest. Zimon and Thom Bruise spearheaded the operation by staking out, infiltrating, and discovering incriminating correspondence. We also confiscated much of the stolen goods through a clever ruse.

Locksley and his six uncommonly jovial companions were captured with only a few mercenaries losing their lives. We turned them in and have acquired a warrant for the arrest of his agent, Little John, in Bonevale. We intend to execute that warrant once we arrive in the border town.

Enclosed is my tithe to the Order out of my share of our reward. Should you require anything further of your humble servant, you have only to command and rest assured it will be done.

Yours in the Light of Pelor,

Knight Warder Percival, Gradsul


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