Monday, October 7, 2024

Welcome to Bastia

From the journal of Namor the Mariner:

Oct 6: Woke on this farm. Again. Back is holding out but the pay is terrible. Others like me with talents for adventuring open to collaboration. Quit with MacDonald, asks us to escort a delivery to Bastia on the coast. Try haggling over price but he's annoying me and clearly I annoy him. Take the job as an excuse to travel towards civilization.

Hit the road with Morgan the beautiful thief, Sabo the judgey craftpriest, Basus the zealot paladin, Farland the rugged fighter, and Urtorias the ladyboy warlock. Weather is fine. Discover a bandit waiting in ambush along path. Backtrack, ambush the ambushers, make easy work of them. Capture one but Basus executes him before interrogation. Hard man. Find some treasure and stow it on the wagons.

Travel on, make a good camp. Basus the Hard crushed by falling tree in the night. Make an effort to recover his body and gear, but it's bleak. 

Oct 6(?!): Wake to a fine dawn back at the farm. The fuck? Magic bullshit? Basus alive and well and our day beginning as though the previous never happened, including not having our score from the bandits. Farmhands and MacDonald behaving normally. 

A moment of panic and claustrophobia sets in as I imagine a never-ending loop of waking to relive the same day over and over. Group decides to try the road again. Allow Morgan to talk to MacDonald which nets us better pay, set a better ambush for the bandits due to foreknowledge, prevent the murder execution of the prisoner, and avoid the falling tree campsite. Anxiously rest the night.

Oct 7: Wake to a fine dawn at our camp along the road. Whew. Carry on, bandit walking out front to catch any unfriendly fire.

A bunch of animated skeletons rush us from brush near the road. I didn't see them in time to warn the party. I make space and lob a couple of ineffective arrows, but Sabo rebuked them with holy words and sent most running while the warriors cut down the few who remained. We pursued and destroyed the rest on principle but found no treasure.

A pack of feral war dogs could be quite dangerous, so I lead the party in a valiant evasion. These are probably the beasts MacDonald warned us about but we don't work for charity. Don't quite make it to Bastia today, camp.

Oct 8: Pass a slavers' party on the way to Bastia, consider talking but think better of it since we're wildly outnumbered. Don't wanna be chained up. Arrive at the small port run by a priest of some god I've never heard of. Sabo and Basus split to head to the church while Morgan leads the search for a buyer for our prisoner. Other option was execution, but why tf would we march him back to town just to kill him? Coulda done that on the road.

The thief has a pretty face and silver tongue. Def have to let her talk to everyone. Captain Crunch loves her and pays a premium for the prisoner, despite his missing ear from some backtalk on the road. We happily retire to the Freebird tavern and begin to drink.

The holy men show up with more holy men. We're invited to stay at the church due to our weird experience. Apparently Sabo was asking around about anyone else repeating days recently. Church boys see it as a blessing or sign or omen or something. To be able to relive a day and maintain free will is miraculous, they say. There's more they don't say but so far the rum's good and they aren't threatening us.

Learn of a bounty on the feral wardogs, but it's pretty meager for a tough fight. Maybe we figure a cheap way to trap them or something. Also learn of a bounty on a privateer named Bluto who's too handsy with the local ladies. Fled the law south to Monmurg. The reward for bringing him back alive is a confiscated galley. Ok now we're talking.

Oct 9: Secure passage with Captain Crunch to Monmurg. Depart around noon.

Oct 10: The salt and sea is refreshing, but the wind is unfavorable. Arrive late in the day.

Hit the bars looking for Bluto and I couldn't believe our luck. A little sweet talk from Morgan and he came right to her. She lured him to a compromised position while we shadowed, then escorted him back to the ship. Kept him on lockdown while Crunch did his business in town.

Oct 13: Crunch still at it. Farland and I living at the bars on the gold earned from the bandits. Come across Smee and his crew of rowers looking for work. Convince them we've got a ship to crew coming to us, they just have to follow us back to Bastia. They're in.

Oct 16: Set sail for Bastia.

Oct 17: Arrive with favorable winds, turn in our bounty, collect our small galley The Wither. She needs work but that's work that I can do.

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Welcome to Bastia

From the journal of Namor the Mariner: Oct 6: Woke on this farm. Again. Back is holding out but the pay is terrible. Others like me with tal...