Winter hardly touches the depths of the Dreadwood, where my team and I continue to tame the wilderness in the name of Pelor and under orders of my commanding officer Knight Captain Dawes. I have much to report and will strive for brevity and concision.
Fr. Cassian, June, Zimon, and I intended to continue expanding our reach in the region, beginning with the territory immediately surrounding our fortress. Refurbishment is well under way, to be completed by month's end, but no peasants will stay on if monsters stalk nearby. I hired a surveyor to appraise the land and assess it's capacity for lairs.
We received a message at our villa from a dwarven captain named Nemo who wanted to discuss one of our recent acquisitions. The runner was a cheeky sort who inexplicably scoffed at our offer to meet the captain at the finest restaurant in town. Regardless, that was where we chose to meet and Nemo could show or not at his leisure.
The dwarf was carried in with buckets of water on his feet, having sworn an oath to never touch dry land again. He takes his seafaring life seriously. He made a very generous offer to trade dwarven contraptions for the hammer we had recovered from the hags, but we were uncomfortable with the nature of the strange things. He offered a less generous but fair price to buy it right out, which we accepted and sent him on his way.
A faction following an unfamiliar heathen faith had reached out looking for the aid of a party much like ours, but our attention was focused on securing our domain. Fr. Cassian responded to this Patrick of Sirlios fellow, a heathen priest I suspect, with magical prayer and through similar means we were encouraged to visit a port town to the south called Bastia for more detail on the mission. This is the second mention of the place we've had in the past weeks. I am intrigued by the opportunity to thwart evil and we will pursue it when able.
Upon returning to the keep, our surveyor located a welcome surprise nearby, an old graveyard and monument to past battle. It bore a consecrated, if overgrown and filthy, altar to Pelor which protected the brave men buried nearby from reanimation or worse. Fr. Cassian intends to take over as custodian of the holy grounds.
Zimon was keen to press the red button beneath the elven temple we had visited some months back. We set off for what we expected to be a quick delve into a mostly cleared dungeon. We were mistaken.
A candlelit creature called from the darkness within birthday wishes to Zimon (Happy Birthday brother), marking this as the second time we'd been inside this dungeon on someone's birthday. I unfurled my flail and prepared to smite the thing since the last time this happened it was goblins who threw the cake in June's face and then tried to kill us.
What emerged from the shadows was none other than Boblin the goblin, who I had slain on our previous delve here. His rightfully executed sentence had apparently been commuted by strange time dilation, interdimensional travel, and interference from the heathen deity Sirlios. His journal indicated that he was a human wizard turned goblin by the Scarlet Brotherhood, which did not explain his complicity in the previous goblin battle against us and did not absolve him of behaving as a goblin during same.
I relinquished the dialogue to Fr. Cassian as the more temperate and reasoned communicator, my answer to goblins being prompt extermination. What followed was a long conversation I didn't quite understand and excuses for why the goblin was oppressed and should be forgiven. Weak foolishness, but Fr. Cassian allowed the thing to accompany us to the room containing the button, which the goblin claimed no prior knowledge of.
Before Zimon pressed the button, the deceitful creature indicated by flinching that he did in fact have some knowledge of what might happen, but it was too late to stop our bounty hunter. The room took on a strange aspect before snapping back to itself and Zimon began screaming in pain. June grabbed the goblin while I throttled Zimon to calm him.
He had seen Sirlios, or met it, or something? Many different paths and dimensions and possibilities and my head hurts just recalling it for the report. Ultimately, something strange is going on. The heathens in Bastia may know more. Fr. Cassian opted to free the goblin from the dungeon. My exasperation cannot be put to parchment.
Once we exited into the forest above, Zimon's long lost horse Springer floated down from the sun and materialized before him, clearly a blessing from Pelor to ease his troubles from his experience with the... whatever happened to him. Praise be. Apparently the creature is supernatural and can fly. This provides us with welcome tactical and logistical flexibility.
Back at the keep, Fr. Cassian attempted to remove Boblin's curse, which succeeded so well that Pelor's hand reached out, this time to bless the blighted creature. Robert the Wizard has stayed on at the keep in some unknown capacity? I don't trust him, but I cannot deny the word of Fr. Cassian that he is touched by our Lord of Light and Flame. Robert told us of the Scarlet Brotherhood cabal that cursed him and roughly where he thought they were. They've made it onto our list of problems to solve.
Our next task was to eliminate a lair of giant lizards nearby. We had a map that would lead us there and the will to get it done so we set off. We found some moss that was apparently quite valuable when used in potion brewing. Zimon retrieved a detail from the fort to help tote the material back.
A settlement of barbarians was discovered by air. Zimon spoke to their leader Crazy Wolf and left on good terms. We found the lizards fairly easily and, using a potion, Zimon was able to talk to them and bribe them with food to leave the area, at least temporarily. We found what little treasure there was and returned to the keep.
I intend to begin the construction of a road to Bonevale soon. Sanji and Fr. Cassian intend to build here locally, but we have not hammered out the details yet. Sirlios and the Scarlet Brotherhood are both looming. We will engage with them as soon as possible and report our findings. Until then, may Pelor bless you and hold you in the Dawn's warmth.
Knight Sentinel Percival
Forward Operating Base Horizon
We had a lot going on this session, with a lot of exposition from the DM and sekrit garage time for Zimon. We failed to engage with the DM's self-insertion of dwarven automation, opting for a cash payout instead. He loves the stuff but our group of players isn't there. Yet anyway, who knows. I imagine our pirates would be more open to it, if they had the resources this group does.
We had no choice but to engage with the "but no really the goblin's a good guy" thread which I thought we put to bed the first time. Two different timelines cross-pollinating could get messy. It's tying into the Sirlios stuff and drawing this party into that sphere a bit. Our other party has had all the interaction on that side of things so far and it's clearly an important world event. I think as players we're mostly just confused. We'll learn more as we dig deeper into it and hopefully fix it before it gets out of hand. This party is actually heroic and will care. Big world events might be wasted on the lolpirates so it's good to have the good guys involved.
I'm enjoying the potential we have in the domain building side of the game. The random encounter of the barbarian village is a prime example of how interesting opportunities emerge during play. How does the Crusader (cleric) Cassian deal with faithless heathens next door? Can he convert them and roll them into our growing domain? Do they follow some heathen offensive gods of their own? It'll be fun to play out.
We've pulled off of the Oligarchy idea, as most of our players don't really care about domain management. I'm gonna run the primary domain and Sanji may develop his own nearby. The others will pursue their own interests within that framework with divine power and syndicates and whatever else they get up to.
We're having a lot of fun with this team right now and will probably keep at it for another session or two before time jail gets us. The pirates are selling off goods and likely drinking away the profits, you know, as pirates do. They can wait a while longer.
We need a party name. Team B is just not it. Holy Rollers has been floated, which would give us the Jolly Rogers as the pirate team and the Holy Rollers as the Pelor team. Could be worse? Also need a name for the domain. Calling it FOB Horizon right now, but as it evolves it'll have to get a more permanent designation.
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