Monday, January 20, 2025

Batman and Breadcrumbs

Knight Captain Dawes will be pleased to receive this report from our reconnaissance into the Dreadwood west of Bonevale.

Our company consisted of Fr. Cassian, June the warrior, Zimon the bounty hunter, and your humble servant Knight Defender Percival. Our objective was to secure the treasure and defeat any Chaotic entities encountered at the location depicted on one of the treasure maps we had found during our adventures. This would require a strike several days into the cursed Dreadwood.

Our hired scout still refused to provide a name but represented his trade well, navigating the dark forest efficiently and guiding us safely through. Around the end of the first day's travel we discovered a large camp of bandits involved in the production and distribution of the illicit elven vice "nutbutter". Now, to me, this substance tasted creamy and savory, like it would pair well with a jam or marmalade. But to the elven youth it was a gateway to harder, fattier temptations leading invariably to heart disease and death.

It was our duty to intervene, mostly because among their vats and grinding wheels, Zimon observed that they possessed goods stolen from innocent travelers. My task is not the dietary health of heathen demon-folk.

Outnumbered several times over, we decided a shock assault to awe them then an attempt to force their surrender was our best tactic. I led the charge astride my barded warhorse Dawnbringer and we quickly reduced their ranks. We called for their surrender but they fought on, forcing us to strike them down except for those that Zimon was able to apprehend with his peculiarly shaped leather sap. When the dust settled, we had five prisoners including their two ringleaders along with their recovered treasure. We camped there for the night but were disturbed by an elven patrol out of Bonevale. We recognized some of the patrolmen and they offered to escort us back to town.

The next morning June the warrior started meowing like a lunatic into the woods. Despite my suggestion that she get a grip, she continued, eventually welcoming a massive lion that she called "Sprinkles". I mouthed a silent prayer to Pelor that the creature was under control and to my sight it did not intend us harm so I let it slide.

En route back to "civilization" or what passes for it on the frontier, a large stone structure loomed suddenly out of the forest ahead. It was an uninhabited keep, clearly in need of some repair but serviceable. The construction was human influenced with elven touches, but that will buff out. We scrawled various versions of "dibs" on the stone near the gate and continued on.

Some brigands tried to hide from justice within the trees above but Sprinkles and I both discovered them as we passed beneath. I offered them their lives in exchange for surrender and these boys were smarter than the last group. We added them to the prisoner line and proceeded to Bonevale.

Sheriff Kai Lan offered a bounty for the captives, particularly the leveled ones, which we accepted. We spoke on behalf of those who came peacefully and left them to the elf's mercy. He mentioned the keep was an old outpost that had fallen to disrepair and been abandoned. We informed him of our intent to recover it and claim it as our own. He excitedly started talking treaties and alliances and whoa buddy let us get it operational first.

Zimon continued his search for the elusive Methany, who I am beginning to suspect is a toothless harlot of poor social value, but he is dogged in his hunt. He posted fliers and hired criers and even offered a large reward, a life-changing amount for any commoner. For his sake I hope she shows up soon. The desperation of his search is unseemly.

We stowed our treasure at our villa within town and rested, set to depart the next morning. The Dreadwood is unwelcoming and rife with danger, this time in the form of an ambush of ghouls. The undead closed with us before we could react, striking June several times and inflicting her with a horrible disease. Fr. Cassian rebuked many of them and the rest were struck down by our blades. Pelor's miracles cured June of her ailment and Zimon tracked the ghouls back to their lair. We were intent on destroying the source of the evil and definitely not motivated solely by potential lair loot.

A cavern loomed before us, which Zimon assured us he could scout safely. We prepared our magics and prayers just in time for him to run screaming from within, "Ghouls! There's ghouls chasing me! Tons of 'em!" It is often the case with adventurers that they hoard resources like scrolls and potions, never to be used lest they be wasted. Not so with our party because we are wise and smart and crafty (and lucky). I had a potion blessed by our Lord of Light that would destroy undead in bursts of radiance. Surely there was no better scenario to use such a thing, so I quaffed it and stepped forward to meet the tide of slavering ghouls.

The ensuing battle could hardly be called such, with effective support from our skirmishers, rebuking in the name of Pelor, and the power of the divine potion destroying the undead in waves. Fr. Cassian and I both sought the source of this horrible corruption, certain there would be a sinkhole of evil within, but we could find no such thing. The ghouls were the marsh variety, no where near a marsh, and appeared to simply be loitering here, like a storehouse of evil. Zimon pulled a curiously bat-shaped metal piece from one, another clue that there might be more going on here. We were determined to investigate in depth once we could get to safety.

The ghouls had treasure that we repossessed and we retreated to the ruins of our keep. We spent some time poking about, familiarizing ourselves with the site, before settling down to camp. Some pilgrims happened by, Pelor devotees, and although we shared our fire with them they were reluctant to join our holy mission. I must practice my wordcraft as often as I practice my warcraft.

Laden with loot and a mystery to investigate, we returned once again to Bonevale. A suspicious band of "mercenaries" flying the banner of the Order of Reese passed by. A short conversation led us to suggest that they camp at the site of the previous battle with nutbutter bandits. Perhaps the scene would impress upon them the error of their ways, since they had already been run out of town by Kai Lan. If not, we would know where to find them to apprehend them when we could.

I write and send this update ahead of our arrival in Gradsul, where I will report in person. Until then,

Knight Guardian Percival

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